Thursday, November 15, 2018

Good Lord

Every time I forget that the world is full of crazy people, I fuck up and open Twitter. The vitriol that flows on that site is amazing. It’s an endless stream of whining, bitching, and name calling. Facebook really isn’t any better. YouTube is generally awful. You know what? I’m all for freedom of speech and expression. I really am. I just wish the people expressing would actually have something to say.
Half of my feeds are people shouting “fake news!!”, and two seconds later the same people are sharing fake news stories. If you try to refute with actual facts, you are branded a libtard, snowflake, puck whatever insult of the week. God forbid if you try to cite BBC when refuting the crap they’ve posted from Brietbart or Occupy Democrats. Woe to the person who tries to use Wikipedia in an argument.
For the record, yes, I know Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. That’s a fact. Go right on ahead and try to edit something to lie. See how long that shit will stay up. There’s a group of super dedicated people who really have nothing better to do than to correct Wikipedia. I love those people. Seriously. They’ve argued really mundane arguments for years, that’s how dedicated they are. Go to Wikipedia, look up Guy Standing, and take a look at that cropped pic. It was originally a pic of dude sitting in a chair captioned “Guy Standing sitting”. They argued about that caption for MONTHS until someone just cropped it. My whole point is, Wikipedia is WAY more credible than The Daily Mail. Wikipedia is powered by super nerds.
Oh, and you conspiracy fuckers? What the hell is wrong with you? Like, you were amusing at one point. Sometimes you almost even made sense. Now you’re just crazy. Here’s an experiment. Look at your nearest coworker and tell them that you like to have sex with butterflies and swear them to secrecy. I can tell you that at least ten people will know that within an hour. But yeah, there’s a government plot somewhere that has at least 30 people involved, and yet Bob down the street is the only one who knows about it? Oh, or the theories that the “mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about!” . Really? Have you MET the media? They want to tell everybody everything. That’s their job. You don’t get to be a journalist by keeping fucking secrets.
I Don’t even know where I was going with this rant. Oh. Yeah. Look, I love the internet. I met my other half here back when chat rooms and MSN chats were all the rage. I’ve been lurking since aol. All the books I read I’ve downloaded. The games I play, downloaded. Music? Downloaded. Tv? Streamed. So it’s with heavy heart that I announce that maybe it’s time the internet goes away. What was wondrous and a great source of information and amusement is now awful. We have more information at our fingertips than we have ever had throughout the ages. It’s apparently turned us into a bunch of self centered fucking morons. Turn off the internet. Remove all warning labels. Maybe in 100 years we’ll be ready to try it again.

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